detikInet - Many phones today have a variety of capabilities that enable users. But for Martin Cooper, the man who invented the first mobile phone with a team from Motorola, the phone today it considers too complicated for the feature-packed with different features.

"A universal device to do many things for people, do not do every thing well," Cooper argued that the first wireless call in the city of Manhattan on April 3, 1973.

"I think in the future, there are specialized devices that will only focus on one feature alone," said Cooper, who launched Telegraph and quoted on Friday (6/11/2009).

But apparently, predictions of 'father of the phone' is likely to be missed. Because if you look at existing trends, today's consumers even harder to buy phones that provide many features at once.

Data from GfK for example, showed that sales of smartphones at the moment continues to increase. Significant percentage is also calculated, which is as much as 140 percent over the past year.

In addition, there is no strong indication that consumers are disturbed by the complexity of mobile phone technology. This opinion, among others presented by Dr Jon To, technology experts at University College London, who predicts the device will continue even packed a lot of facilities.

"Mobile device and have the flexibility kapabalitas like computers. The designers take advantage of that capacity and will continue to carry on," said Dr. Jon
