Survey pantura lane road in the ranks Part Pekalongan Polwil Then, there are 23 locations that are accident-prone points.
Of the seven Polres and Polresta in Pekalongan region, areas that have the most accident-prone points is Brebes police station, which is seven locations. While the least was in the three regions, is Polresta Pekalongan, Pekalongan Polres, and Polres Pemalang there are only two accident-prone locations.
Kombes Drs Dewa Made Bagus Suharya through Kasubbag Lantas Kompol Asep SIK Permana explained, with the number of accident-prone points, travelers who crossed the line pantura prompted caution. Travelers were asked not kebut-kebutan, because it could endanger yourself or others.
Added minimal lighting, the 23 locations considered vulnerable to accidents because there are several reasons. Such as inadequate street lighting, parking is chaotic, penyebran an orderly way, and others. According to Asep, street lighting facilities are desperately needed when the current going forth. Therefore, the travelers crossed the line pantura not just lunch, but morning and night also passed in the area.
Urban transport stops in the road can also affect the incidence of vulnerability points in the accident area. For that, he appealed to the driver or the city bus transportation, in order to stop the vehicle fit the space provided. ''Do not come to a stop casually on the highway, which can disrupt traffic flow,''he said.
To anticipate these conditions, it has a way of acting. Among others by doing the settings, guard, escort and patrol. In addition to the traffic engineering in the event of trouble on the road
23 locations that are accident-prone points
23 locations that are accident-prone points
TI Polri
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Survey pantura lane road in the ranks Part Pekalongan Polwil Then, there are 23 locations that are accident-prone points. Of the seven Polre...
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