PUSIKNAS bertugas membina dan menyelenggarakan pembinaan fungsi system informasi kriminal nasional yang meliputi pengumpulan data, pengolahan/analisis dan penyajian data statistik kriminal yang memuat data kriminal tentang kejahatan dan pelanggaran, kecelakaan dan pelanggaran lalulintas, data registrasi dan identifikasi kendaraan bermotor dan pengemudi serta pembinaan/pengembangan hubungan kerjasama dengan satuan kerja dilingkungan Polri dan instasi pemerintah terkait baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


Pada awalnya Pusiknas merupakan bagian dari Dispulahta Polri dengan nama Bag Infokamtibmas yang didalamnya memiliki fungsi penyajian data gangguan kamtibmas dan informasi kriminal. Pada tahun 2001 validasi organisasi berdasarkan kep Kapolri No. Pol. : Kep/09/V/2001 tanggal 25 Mei 2001 tentang Pokok-pokok Organisasi dan Prosedur fungsi penyajian infokrim berada pada Korp Reserse Polri dengan nama Pusat Informasi Kriminal (PIK).

Validasi organisasi Polri tahun 2002 berdasarkan Kep Kapolri No. Pol. : Kep/53/X/2002 tanggal 17 Oktober 2002, PIK mengalami perubahan nama menjadi PIKNAS (Pusat Informasi Kriminal Nasional). PIKNAS bukan lagi menjadi bagian dari Korp Reserse namun merupakan unsur pelaksana dibawah Divisi Telematika Polri dimana bidang tugas PIKNAS tidak lepas dari bidang TI (Tekhnologi Informasi) sesuai UU Kepolisian No. 2 tahun 2002 pasal 15 ayat 1 huruf (j), dalam hal ini mengalami perubahan nama menjadi PUSIKNAS yang dipimpin oleh KAPUSIKNAS Polri dengan pangkat Brigadir Jenderal Polisi.

Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa diakses pada Portal Intranet dengan alamat http://ncicportal atau pada web ini.

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DNS Speedy

Koneksi Speedy saya selama beberapa hari ini menurun, tidak jarang time out selalu. Seteleh berfikir dan memutar otak beberapa hari kesimpulan saya ada pada seeting DNS server Speedy itu sendiri.

DNS speedy sebelumnya yang saya pakai adalah (nsjkt1.telkom.net.id) sesuai setting dari Telkom, setelah bertanya-tanya pada mbah Google tarnyata masih banyak DNS yang bisa dipakai terutama DNS terdekat dengan lokasi kita. Hal ini memungkinkan koneksi speedy yang stabil.

Dari beberapa DNS speedy tersebut antara lain :
  • nsjkt1.telkom.net.id
  • dns1.telkom.net.id
  • dns2.telkom.net.id
  • nssby1.telkom.net.id
  • nssmg1.telkom.net.id

Dari hasil googleng tersebut akhirnya DNS server saya ganti dari menjadi dan dan ternyata koneksi speedy saya kembali lancar sampai saat ini.

Kesimpulan saya, hasil kecepatan tiap klien bervariasi. Salah satunya dipengaruhi faktor instalasi jaringan dan konektivitas dengan server.
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Setting Modem Speedy

Bagi yang masih bingung untuk setting modem speedynya sendiri, mungkin hal ini bisa dijadikan gambaran walaupun tidak lengkap, artikel selengkapnya bisa dilihat di sini .

Konfigurasi modem Speedy :

* VPI, Virtual Path Identifier. Virtual Path Identifier refers to an 8-bit (user to network packets) or 12-bit (network-network packets) field within the header of an Asynchronous Transfer Mode packet. The VPI, together with the VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) is used to identify the next destination of a cell as it passes through a series of ATM switches on its way to its destination. VPI is useful to reduce the switching table for some Virtual Circuits which have common path.

* VCI = Virtual channel identifier. A Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) is a unique identifier which indicates a particular virtual circuit on a network. It is a 16-bit field in the header of an ATM cell. The VCI, together with the VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) is used to identify the next destination of a cell as it passes through a series of ATM switches on its way to its destination. ATM switches use the VPI/VCI fields to identify the virtual channel link {VCL} of the next network that a cell needs to transit on its way to its final destination. The function of the VCI is similar to that of the data-link connection identifier DLCI in Frame Relay and the Logical Channel Number & Logical Channel Group Number in X.25.

Setting modem speedy dari berbagai daerah :

A. Jakarta
1. Untuk DSLAM buatan Alcatel-Lucent (France)
Encapsulation = PPPoA • VPI = 8 • VCI = 35
Sumber Info: [1]

2. Untuk DSLAM buatan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd (China)
Encapsulation = PPPoE • VPI= 0 • VCI = 35
Sumber Info: [1]

3. Untuk DSLAM buatan Siemens (Germany)
Encapsulation = PPPoA • VPI = 1 • VCI = 33
Sumber Info: [1]

B. Sumatra, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi
1. Untuk DSLAM buatan ZTE (China)
Encapsulation = PPPoE • VPI = 8 • VCI = 81
Sumber Info: [1]

2. Untuk DSLAM buatan Huawei (China)
Encapsulation = PPPoE • VPI = 0 • VCI = 35
Sumber Info: [1]

Perlu diingat bahwa :

* Semua daerah di Jawa Tengah: DSLAM = ZTE Sumber Info: [2] pada 2007-02-22 ±23:50 WIB

* Semua wilayah di Bandung: DSLAM = ZTE
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Penggelapan Mobil Rental Dibongkar

KAJEN - Minggu (25/5) kemarin Dodi Harmanto (31) ditangkap tim buser Satrekrim Polres Pekalongan di Jalan Raya Kedungwuni, saat sedang mengendarai mobil jarahan rentalannya.
Tidak ada perlawanan dalam penangkapan pria asal warga Dukuh Tanjungsari, Kelurahan Kaditelon Selatan, Kabupaten Temanggung, yang cukup lama berdomisili tinggal di kontrakan Kecamatan Wonopringgo ini.
Dia diduga telah menggelapkan sekitar 3 mobil berbagai jenis, seperti 2 Suzuki APV, 1 Zebra. Mobil-mobil itu digelapkan dari rental mobil yang berada di wilayah Temanggung dan Kedungwuni.
Kapolres Pekalongan AKBP Drs Wahyu Widada melalui Kasat Reskrim AKP Kusno mengungkapkan, barang bukti mobil sudah diamankan di Mapolres Pekalongan. Untuk tersangka saat ini dibawa ke Polres untuk menjalani pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.
Dalam menjalankan aksinya, mobil-mobil yang disewa pelaku digadaikan tersangka kepada orang lain dengan harga berkisar Rp 10 juta. Sedangkan dalam sehari, pelaku menyewa mobil itu dengan harga antara Rp 200.000 sampai Rp 300.000 perhari, tergantung dari jenisnya.
"Kerugian ditaksir mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Sementara kami masih menetapkan satu tersangka, akan tetapi masih dalam pemeriksaan lebih lanjutan," ujar AKP Kusno, kemarin.
Mobil-mobil itu, jelasnya, dipinjam dari rental di Temanggung, yakni mobil Zebra nopol AD 8431 FD milik Romadhon (38).
Dan pinjam mobil rental di Kedungwuni yakni jenis Suzuki APV warna hitam nopol B 8382 MY milik H Ahmad (40), dan mobil Suzuki APV warna merah nopol B 8962 CX milik H Ahmad Makmur Kedungwuni. Modus yang dilakukan Dodi seperti pada pelaku penggelapan spesialis mobil rental pada umumnya.
Pelaku berpura-pura meminjam mobil dalam batas waktu tertentu. Setelah itu mobil yang berhasil disewa tersebut kemudian digadaikan kepada orang lain dengan harga yang sudah disepakati berkisar Rp 10 - Rp 15 juta.
Kasus ini, dijelaskannya, masih terus dikembangkan. Mobil-mobil yang disewa pelaku digadaikan di sekitar Tegal. Atas tindakan tersebut, tersangka dijerat dengan pasal 372 KUHP tentang penggelapan dengan ancaman hukuman 4 tahun penjara.

Sumber : Radar Pekalongan
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Penipuan lewat telepon

Bareskrim Mabes Polri berhasil mengungkap jaringan penipuan lewat telephone yang telah meraup miliaran rupiah dari para korbannya. Bermula dari adanya informasi masyarakat yang telah menjadi korban dengan mentransfer sejumlah uang ke nomor rekening tertentu. Berdasarkan laporan tersebut dilakukan penyelidikan guna mengungkap jaringan pelaku sindikat penipuan tersebut. Hasilnya ditemukan sekelompok penipu yang selanjutnya dilakukan pengejaran dan penangkapan.Kelompok ini dalam melakukan penipuannya terbilang cukup cerdik dan terorganisir rapi. Setiap pelaku memiliki peran masing-masing. Ada yang bertugas menyediakan rekening lengkap beserta ATM, Adapula yang bertugas mencari informasi via internet, Surat kabar dan nomor telepon.Bahkan ada yang bertugas menentukan korban dan menelphonenya dengan suara yang cukup meyakinkan para korban.
Sasaran kelompok penipu ini dari berbagai kalangan, mulai dari pejabat pemerintah , pengusaha, pejabat bank, bahkan pejabat penegak hukum yang terkait penanganan tindak pidana. Melalui layanan telepon, mereke menelpon korban (biasanya pejabat/pengusaha) dengan maksud menolong korban untuk meloloskan atau memudahkan suatu perkara/masalah,tetapi dengan syarat mentransfer dengan nomor rekening yang telah ditentukan.
Waka Bareskrim Polri, Irjen Pol Drs. Hadiatmoko , dalam jumpa persnya di aula Barekrim Mabes Polri kemarin(25/5) menjelaskan , anggota sindikat penipuan ini berhasil ditangkap sebanyak 13 0rang pelaku yaitu RH,MP,IM, RC,SM,NS,RF,BA,AA,VA,SW,BG, dan MLK. Dari pelaku berhasil disita barang bukti berupa ratusan lembar KTP, puluhan buku tabungan dari berbagai Bank Nasional, Puluhan ATM , 15 HP, daftar perusahaan pengadaan barang/jasa, satu unit mabil dan satu unit motor.
Para pelaku diancam pasal 264 ayat(2)KUHP dan 378 KUHP dalam kasus penipuan. Selain itu mereka juga terancam pasal tindak pidana pencucian uang (Undang-undang No 25 Tahun 2003).
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Simple Carrier Operated Relay

Carrier Operated Squelch or Carrier Operated Switch (COS) formerly known as Carrier Operated Relay (COR).

Functions a COR like a control in Repeater Push To Talk. The difference between COR with COS only on the voltage output. COR like a Contact Point – Relay .

Now a days the radio is well known as the Solid State Cos the resulting change in value is a voltage, where the Signal received by the receiver unit at the point open squelch status will change from to Logic Low Logic High (+5 V / 0V-Ground) or vice versa.

The most easy to see from the changes in the Indicator is "Channel Busy" is usually in the form LED. Logic is what's used to drive relay, transistor or optoisolator used as PTT.

In the bottom pictures below are from the COR (cos buffer - Delay - Relay Driver) and Audio Buffer Block diagram snd repeater.

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Convert ATX swithing for Power Suply Ham Radio

Do you have an interest in converting one of these, this ATX PS board has leads for +5 (RED), -5 (WHITE), +12 (YELLOW), -12 (BLUE) volts, Ground (BLACK) and switch (GREEN). Measured voltages on this particular PS (1996 P5-100 MHz Gateway) were about 5.15 and 11.75 volts. The remaining leads have been clipped off at the circuit board.

Wiring coming off an industry standard circuit board will be:
ORANGE +3.3v, YELLOW +12v, BLUE -12v, RED +5v, WHITE -5v, BLACK GND, GREEN Power On if shorted to ground, GRAY Power OK, PURPLE +5v stanby, BROWN +3.3v Remote sensing

If you like convert this switching for ham radio, only 13,8 v 30 Amps. Please read carrefully this schematic :

R 42 -for 13.8 V = 20 K

R 45 -for 13.8 V = 15 K

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Universal Radio Interface Box

This is an ongoing project. I needed a RIB to program some Motorola Radio. Instead of building a box for each radio I decided what I needed was a universal box. This is what I have come up with at this point. I found a web site with a wonderfull programer that did most of what I wnted here. I also found information on the Motorola RIB box on the Bat Labs Web site. My box is a combination of both of these, plus a few little additions.

On my homebrew RIB, Use a DB-25 connector just like that Motorola Rib. This will allow the use of the Motorola cables with my box. The DB-25's large hood also allows room in the cable for components that are specific to a particular radio. Use an small external power supply to provide +12 and +5 and -5 volts

Currently I have it set up to program the following radios in the shack.

  • Motorola GM300, MAX638Plus, GM338, MTR2000, GP300, GP338, etc.
  • Yaesu VX-6R
  • Suicom SH135 VHF/UHF
Pin out for DB-25 Connector Bold matches signals on Motorola RLN4008
1 - Gnd
2 -
Mic Hi (Gnd)
4 -
6 -
8 -
11 -
12 -
SWB+ 12 Volts
13 -
15 -
24 -
BUS+ 25

Thanks for YC5NBX for copy that PCB
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Repeater Build Up

I am currently building another repeater for our Police Departement. I've decided to document the procedure, and discuss repeaters and repeater building.

What is a Repeater ?

A repeater is a radio system that receives a radio signal on one frequency and repeats it on another frequency. Here's an example of what makes a repeater system worthwhile.

Our police department is located in a center of city Pekalongan. Most of our members have portable radios. It is hard for us to communicate with each other using the portables, since they have limited range even in the best of circumstances. The repeater at my shelter is a 30-watt repeater on a 60 meter tower. It has an effective range of ~20 km. When I talk on my portable through the repeater I effectively increase the range of my portable from 1-5 km to 20 km. Because the repeater is located on a tall tower it can receive better, also. It can pick up the traffic from the portables of the other members that normally couldn't be heard portable-to-portable.

Another benefit of a repeater is that everybody can hear what everyone else is saying. This allows for better communications. Before our department got their repeater, a deputy in one part of the county had to relay their radio traffic through their dispatcher, who then had to relay it to another officer. Now both officers can speak directly, even if they are in opposite ends of the county.

How do you build a repeater ?

The easiest way to get a repeater is to plop down the money and buy one. I'm poor, though, so I'll be building one out of discrete components. Actually, that's not a good argument. Repeaters aren't as expensive as they used to be. If I were buying new parts for the repeater I'm building it would probably cost me about the same. However, since I have old radios laying around I'll use these to build a repeater.

Here is an overview of a repeater system.


Receive radio,

Transmit radio.

Duplexer - Probably the least understood and sometimes forgotten component of a repeater system. A duplexer is a filter system that keeps the transmit and receive sides separate. Without a duplexer the transmitter side would jam the receiver, and the repeater wouldn't work.

There are two main types of duplexers: Band pass and band reject. A bandpass filter allows a certain BAND of frequencies to PASS while filtering out all other frequencies. A bandpass filter allows the receive frequency to pass to the receiver, and the transmit frequency to pass from the transmitter. Everything else gets filtered out. A band reject filter is almost the opposite. It REJECTS one BAND, and lets everything else pass. It allows everything but the transmit frequency to go the receiver, and vice versa. I prefer a bandpass filter. They provide better filtering for a repeater. However, they are usually more expensive. There is actually a third type of duplexer...bandpass-reject. It is a combination of the bandpass and band reject, and is used where the transmit and receive frequencies are very close together.

Duplexers normally look like long cans. The closer the receive and transmit frequencies are, the more cans you need to properly filter them, and the bigger around the cans will be. The bad part of that is more cans cost more money, and they eat up more of your transmit power and receive sensitivity.

Repeater controller - The controller is the brains of the repeater. It makes sure it receives the proper signal from the receiver, and then makes the transmitter transmit.

Wiring connections

The repeater controller needs certain signals from/to the radios to perform correctly.

COS - The COS signal tells the repeater controller that the receive radio is receiving a signal. The default source for a COS signal is the unmute for the speaker. However, some radios have a COS-type signal or a better source than the speaker unmute. You need to look at the radio schematic to determine this. Did I mention that electrical schematics for your components are vital?

Receive audio - The receive audio signal is taken from the output of the discriminator. The discriminator is circuitry which converts the signal from the carrier that goes through the air back into normal audio. Once again, use the schematics to determine the discriminator location. The receive audio from this location contains the audio that we will hear (300 Hz to 3300 Hz) and the PL tone information (60 Hz to 255 Hz). The repeater controller filters the PL tone information and compares it to the expected PL tone. If it is correct it allows the receive audio to become transmit audio.

Transmit audio - The audio which is sent to the transmitter for rebroadcasting. The repeater controller will add Morse Code ID beeps or courtesy beeps to the transmit audio if programmed for those features. This line can usually be connected to the same audio line which comes from the microphone on the transmit radio.

PTT (push to talk) - This is the same function as keying the microphone, and is connected to the same wire.

CTCSS/DCS tone input - This is an optional input to the transmitter, and is only used if you're setting the repeater up as a community repeater or shared repeater*. This line is connected to where the transmit radio would normally add the CTCSS tone to the transmitting audio. This allows the repeater controller to inject the proper PL tone depending on the user of the shared repeater.

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Hercules tragedy in Magetan

TNI-AU corps can not respect when the National Day of Resurrection to-101, on Wednesday (20 / 5). Following the fall of the type of transport plane C-130 Hercules in 1325 in the Village of Alpha Geplak, Kecamatan Karas, Magetan Regency, East Java, at around 06.30.

Information from the hospital last Lanud Iswahyudi victim who died 101 people.

According to the Head Office of The TNI-AU TNI Marsekal First FHB Soelistyo, This plane carry 110 people. They consist of 99 passengers and 11 kru. ''One of the victims died there was a flag officer, the Marsekal First Harsono, Panglima Komando National Air Defense Sector IV Biak ".

Aircraft Pilot with Captain Major Danu Setiawan Copilot and Captain Younan is departing from Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma with Jakarta flight route, Magetan, Makassar, Kendari, Ambon, and Biak. Not yet known the exact cause of the fall of the aircraft.

Hidayah, Geplak of the house only 100 meters from the location of the incident, bath time so surprised to hear his voice loud objects fall.
''I just live with fled wear sober. O God, have fallen aircraft. Neighbors also directly to the location. But, they did not dare to approach the blazing fire and explosion sounds small,''he said. Not long after, cry and ask for help from the screaming victims in the aircraft cabin. ''terrific time to enter the plane.

According to the testimony of residents, the left-wing aircraft in the air and burned down about 500 meters from the fall of Hercules area.
Aircraft loss of control and flying low before it on three houses. Then strike the bamboo and tree trembesi behind the house Parmo, Geplak citizens. The aircraft then split and burned in the rice field area Geplak.

''Then, I was sleeping. But, taken aback when the voice is worn down with the wind roar is very fast,''said Parmo confess that some precarious houses fall because diempas plane.

One of the residents of the house by the aircraft is Rusmin home. Rusmin wife, Sumiati, the morning that are cooking water, to be victims. He died instantly because of the house and burned debris.

Agus Julian, people Patihan Village, Kecamatan Karas, said, about two kilometers from the location of the incident, some parts of the plane began to fall. Aircraft also issued a smoke. ''I see the plane itself is shaky, and removing the smoke,''he said.

House of Samsudin, citizens RT 2, RW 3, Village Geplak, a distance of about 500 meters from the location of the incident, also become victims. As a result, the roof of her house destroyed and damaged some furniture. ''Fortunately, when I was outside the house. Wing aircraft are still in the roof of my home,''he said.

Kamsiya, people whose home is only about 100 meters from the incident, at around 06.30 WIB, heard the sound of planes roaring west.
Then, an explosion sounded five times. And ''I'm surprised to see the outdoors,''he said.

After that, she saw the plane hit a tree and bamboo trembesi home and neighbors. Immediately later, thick smoke began to envelop the area drop in aircraft. Because of fear, he cried and then ask people to help others. ''I do not dare to approach,''he said.

Not long after, the team's savior Lanud Iswahjudi team that assisted the TNI-AD, police, kabupaten governments, health agencies and arrived at the location to mengevakuasi victims. A child aged 4 years and still look happy and was Lanud RS Iswahyudi.

To facilitate the search of the victim, the body of Hercules aircraft so the two cut sections.

Related causes of the fall of the plane, the TNI AU Kapentak through Lanud Iswahjudi Sutrisno Mayor stated that the investigation at this time. Source Pentak Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan states, Hercules A-1325 is starting from Halim Perdanakusuma airport, Jakarta, in the Lanud Iswahjudi Magetan.

The first contact made with Lanud Iswahjudi Hercules A-1325 at 06.19. The height was 112 thousand feet, to 7 thousand feet. At around 06.22, there is more contact. Position 7 thousand feet the plane, the 3-thousand feet. ''Weather conditions are reported in normal circumstances,''he said.

At around 06.27, the final position of the plane is in the height of 1000 feet. Tower Lanud Iswahjudi rule 06.28 at the plane run away in slight or foundation is ready.However, at around 06.29 tower lost contact (lost contact) with Hercules. ''No known cause of the fall in the Hercules plane Geplak Village, Kecamatan Karas, Magetan,''said Sutrisno.

Musing the killing of many victims is the second since the last two months.On 6 April, the TNI-AU aircraft type F-27 Troopship registration number A-2703 and burned in the fall Lanud Husein Sastranegara, Bandung, West Java. Six crew and 18 soldiers elite troops Cash TNI-AU (Paskhasau) died.

Meanwhile, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called for yesterday afternoon ministry the military and defense ministers to discuss the handling of natural fall of the plane C-130 Hercules in Magetan. The President ordered the military to make a thorough investigation to ensure that the causes of the fall of military-transport plane is AU.

Meetings take place starting at 16:00 wib. Present TNI General Djoko Santoso, KSAU Marsekal Soebandrio, KSAD General Agustadi Sasongko Purnomo, KSAL warlord Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno, and Minister of Defense Juwono Sudarsono.

Although some case of natural time, the meeting decided yesterday to keep operating the Hercules aircraft belonging to various military activities. Thus, the TNI is not the restrictions for flying Hercules aircraft.

''While the investigation continues to carry on the accident, the tasks of defense and the tasks for the purposes of training, education, transportation, personnel and other fixed properly implemented,''the President said.

According to the President in the operation of the aircraft, the TNI must be extra hard to ensure the safety and security of the flight.''That's what I instruct to the TNI, especially the TNI-AU. Thus, in one of the main tasks can still be executed, on the other side of security and safety for those who fly airplanes and that transport is a plane that can also be guaranteed,''specifically.

Meanwhile, TNI General Djoko Santoso said the suspected cause of the accident was weather factors. Indeed,''the condition was ground fog. So, there is fog in the land,''he said.

According to him, in the morning when Lanud Iswahyudi often have fog.''As we know, that climate change in this weather is not certain, either in the air, land and sea,''he said.

In that opportunity, he apologize to the people in District Plans, Magetan of these events. About the victim of a civil aircraft, TNI ensure family members are all military.Not true''if the flight is dikomersialkan. This routine flight. All military family, including wife Pangkosek. -Law and her son also have,''he said.

In separate places, Kadispen the TNI-AU TNI Marsekal First FHB Soelistyo reveal, the Hercules aircraft that are not falling plane old. New plane made in 1980. Log In''TNI-AU in 1994,''he explained in the complex of the TNI-AU Halim Perdanakusumah yesterday (20 / 5).

He said, the plane also do not care long last, that is, on May 19.Too early''to the cause of the fall of the plane. Have a team that will evaluate,''said Soelistyo when asked about the cause of the accident airplane.

Priority at this time is the care and evacuation of the victim. He also claims to be brought home bones grief.''The most important is how to treat clay,''he said.

Also explained, the plane is operated for the support and logistics personnel. Operations is a mission that conducted routine.

On the other hand, former Panglima Komando National Defense (Pangkohanudnas) Djoko Poerwoko asserts that the fall is not a military aircraft because the aircraft maintenance budget dikucurkan government is very less.

Although the''appropriate treatment procedures, if the experts do not be paid well, it can cause lho-sloping sloping planes,''he said.

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Kenwood HF Radio Telephone TK80

The TK-80's design combines a high-performance HF transceiver with elegant user simplicity, all rolled into a tough, compact package that will deliver many years of dedicated field service.

The large backlit LCD display provides high visibility in most lighting conditions, with alphanumeric channel designations up to 7 characters, frequency, memory channel number, mode, signal meter, and transmit indicator.

Selective calling system is an option (KPE-1 required) that enables individual, group or open calling, and is ideal for distributed networks of HF transceivers.

VOX (Voice Operated Xmit) is another feature that makes the TK-80 convinient and easy to use. And with the optional PC-1A Phone Patch interface it provides telephone patch capabilities as well.

Tough aluminum monocoque chassis provides reliable performance year after year in adverse climatic conditions, from the Antarctic to the Amazon. Meets MIL-STD 810D specifications.

Internal and external antenna tuner options gives you a flexible range of antenna choices. The internal KAT-2 does not increase the size of the radio, and is ideal for yagi, ground plane and dipole type antennas. The external KAT-1 is for mounting at the base of aperiodic antennas such as whips and long wires.

CW full and semi break-in can be set with the key delay time control.

The Clarifier allows fine adjustment or receive frequency for best audio clarity, set up by the dealer in either 10 Hz or 1 Hz steps.

80 memory channels are available for custom set-up of transceiver and monitoring frequencies.

Memory channel scan features carrier-operated and time-operated modes; receive threshold for both can be dynamically controlled by adjusting the squelch volume.

Data mode at the touch of a button allows computer communications on USB/LSB at up to 300 bps in AFSK or FSK modes. Useful for data acquisition, text-based file transfers and other low-speed data communications applications.

All-mode general coverage receiver from 500 KHz through 30 MHz continuous for easy monitoring all HF bands.

100 watts output with an antenna tuner gives you the punch needed to drive any antenna system. The RF output is adjustable in 4 steps, 100W, 50W, 25W and 15W, which can be assigned to any memory channel. The maximum output is also dealer-adjustable down to 50W, 25W and 15W.

Advanced intercept point (AIP) feature expands dynamic range and minimizes cross-talk interference (dealer setting). In addition, the Noise Blanker cuts pulse-type noise and the optional 500 Hz CW filter (YK-107C) reduces interference for Morse code operation.

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Email Senkom

  1. Polwil Pekalongan : wil_pekalongan@komlekjateng.co.id
  2. Polresta Pekalongan : resta_pekalongan@komlekjateng.co.id
  3. Polres Pekalongan : res_pekalongan@komlekjateng.co.id
  4. Polres Batang : res_batang@komlekjataeng.co.id
  5. Polres Pemalang : res_pemalang@komlekjateng.co.id
  6. Polresta Tegal : resta_tegal@komlekjateng.co.id
  7. Polres Tegal : res_tegal@komlekjateng.co.id
  8. Polres Brebes : res_brebes@komlekjateng.co.id
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Fasilitas dan Kontribusi Komlek


  • Sarana Video Conference
  • Komunikasi Mobile (KOMOB)
  • Jaringan VPN-IP
  • Jaringan VSAT-IP
  • Jaringan Radio Trunking UHF 800 mhz
  • Jaringan Radio konvensional UHF 400 mhz, 800 mhz, HF SSB
  • Telepon/PSTN
  • Microwave Link
  • Sistim Komuikasi Terestrial
  • Sistim Komunikasi Satelit
  • Kamtibmas (Ops Khusus Kepolisian Terpusat/Kewilayahan)
  • Operasi Daerah Konflik
  • Operasi Pengungkapan Teroris
  • Illegal Logging
  • Bencana Alam
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Sejarah Berdirinya Komlek Polri

PERIODE 1945 - 1950

Terbentuknya secara lokal akhir tahun 1950 menyatukan Kesatuan Komunikasi meliputi Jawatan seluruh Kepolisian di daerah se Indonesia. Tujuannya untuk kepentingan penyaluran berita pengawas aliran masyarakat.

PERIODE 1950 - 1959
  • Dengan SK Perdana Menteri RI No.4/8/UM tanggal 27 Oktober 1951 yang lebih dulu dikeluarkan oleh Kepolisian Negara No. Pol. : 64/VII/1951 tanggal 17 September 1951 dinamakan DINAS PERHUBUNGAN RADIO bagi Jawatan Kepolisian Negara, selanjutnya dinamakan DINAS TELEKOMUNIKASI
  • Berdasarkan Peraturan Sementara Menteri Muda Kepolisian Nomor 2/PRT/MKK/1959 tanggal 22 Oktober 1959 Dinas Telekomunikasi ditingkatkan menjadi BAGIAN TELEKOMUNIKASI

PERIODE 1960 - 1969
Berdasarkan Peraturan Men/Pangak No. Pol. : 5/PRT/Men Pangak/1967 tanggal 1 Juli 1967 diganti dengan nama DIREKTORAT PERHUBUNGAN

PERIODE 1970 - 1984
Berdasarkan SK Kapolri No. Pol. : 113/SK/Kapolri/1070 tanggal 19 September 1970 disebut DINAS PERHUBUNGAN POLRI dan ditetapkan dengan Kep Menhankam/Pangab No. Kep/15/IV/1976 tanggal 13 April 1976 dan Skep Kapolri No. Pol. : Skep/50/VII/1977 tanggal 1 Juli 1977 diubah menjadi DINAS KOMUNIKASI DAN ELEKTRONIKA

PERIODE 1985 - 2003
  • Berdasarkan SK Kapolri No. Pol. : KEP/09/X/1984 Kedudukan Komlek Polri ditetapkan sebagai Badan Pembantu Pimpinan dan Pelaksana pada Direktorat Logistik dengan sebutan SUBDIT KOMLEK DELOG POLRI
  • Dengan Kep Kapolri No. Pol.: KEP/9/V/2001 tanggal 25 Mei 2001 Kedudukan Komlek Polri ditetapkan sebagai Unsur Pembantu dan Pelaksana pada Delog Polri yang berkedudukan dan bertanggung jawab kepada Delog Polri dengan sebutan DIREKTORAT KOMUNIKASI DAN ELEKTRONIKA POLRI

PERIODE 2003 - sekarang
Berdasarkan Keputusan Kapolri No. pol.: Kep/53/X/2002 tanggal 17 Oktober 2002 dengan perubahannya KEP Kapolri No. Pol. : KEP/30/VI/2003 tanggal 20 Juni 2003, Komlek Polri berkedudukan dibawah Divisi Telematika Polri dengan sebutan PUSKOMLEK POLRI
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Visi dan Misi Komlek


Mewujudkan Komlek Polri yang profesional dibidang Komunikasi dan Elektronika dan mampu memberikan pelayanan komlek dalam mendukung tugas fungsi kepolisian lainnya.

  • Mengkaji/menyiapkan Jaringan Komunikasi sesuai dengan kemajuan Tekhnologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sehingga dapat mendukung suksesnya tugas Kepolisian
  • Menyiapkan Operator Komlek yang handal
  • Menyiapkan Alat Komunikasi cadangan (ALKOMCAD) untuk sewaktu-waktu digunakan dalam menghadapi kontijensi

Tugas : Membina dan menyelenggarakan fungsi telekomunikasi Polri termasuk pembiayaan, penyiapan dan pemeliharaan fasilitas serta pengadaan materiil, sistem komunikasi dan elektronika serta sistem pengoperasiaanya.

Fungsi :
  • Pembangunan/penyiapan/pemeliharaan fasilitas telekomunikasi
  • Pengadaan materiil komunikasi dan elektronika
  • Pembinaan sistem dan tekhnis telekomunikasi elektronika
  • Penyelenggaraan operasional telekomunikasi elektronika
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Penetapan visi sebagai bagian perencanaan strategis, merupakan langkah penting dalam suatu perjalanan organisasi. Visi tidak hanya penting pada waktu mulai berkarya, tetapi juga pada kehidupan organisasi Polwil Pekalongan selanjutnya. Kehidupan Polwil Pekalongan sangat dipengaruhi oleh perubahan lingkungan internal dan eksternal. Oleh karenanya, visi Polwil Pekalongan juga harus menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan era reformasi jika perlu visi dapat diubah dan disempurnakan. Visi adalah cara pandang jauh kedepan kemana organisasi Polwil Pekalongan harus dibawa agar eksis, produktif, antisipatif dan inovatif sehingga dapat dijadikan suatu pedoman dan pendorong Polwil Pekalongan untuk mencapai tujuannya. Pada hakekatnya membentuk visi Polwil Pekalongan menggali gambaran bersama mengenai masa depan, berupa komitmen murni tanpa adanya rasa terpaksa. Dengan demikian visi merupakan konteks semangat mental masa depan yang harus menjadi milik bersama dan diyakini oleh seluruh anggota Polwil Pekalongan.

Visi Polwil Pekalongan adalah " Bertekad untuk menjadi profesional dan dipercaya masyarakat sebagai pelayan, pelindung dan pengayom serta penegak hukum yang menjunjung tinggi HAM yang berlaku universal ".

Visi tersebut diatas dikandung maksud sebagai cara pandang jauh ke depan Polwil Pekalongan agar eksis, produktif, antisipatif dan inovatif dalam menyelenggarakan fungsi kepolisian yang sesuai perkembangan jaman dan harapan masyarakat sehingga terwujudnya aparat kepolsian yang profesional dan proporsional sesuai perundang - undangan yang berlaku.


Untuk mewujudkan visi yang telah ditetapkan maka harus mempunyai misi yang jelas. Misi merupakan pernyataan yang menetapkan tujuan organisasi dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai. Misi dan visi akan mendorong alokasi sumber daya diseluruh unit organisasi harus selaras dengan tugas. Misi adalah sesuatu yang harus dilksanakan oleh organisasi agar tujuannya dapat terlaksana dan berhasil dengan baik, dengan demikian dapat dijadikan tonggak dari perencanaan strategis yang sejalan dengan pembentukan tujuan umum dan sasaran umum organisasi serta harus diikuti dengan pembentukan tujuan yang terukur, objektif dan spesifik. Misi merupakan konteks pengimplementasian pelaksanaan dalam mewujudkan harapan masyarakat. Hal tersebut menjadikan misi merupakan pernyataan tujuan tentang organisasi yang diwujudkan dalam produk dan pelayanan, kebutuhan yang dapat ditanggulangi kelompok masyarakat, nilai yang dapat diperoleh serta aspirasi dan cita-cita dimasa mendatang.

Dari pemahaman tersebut Polwil Pekalongan merumuskan Misi sebagai berikut :
  1. Memprioritaskan upaya peningkatan kemampuan SDM Polwil Pekalongan melalui kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang tepat guna dan tepat waktu.
  2. Memberikan rasa aman masyarakat (aspek Security, Surely, Safety and Peace) secara terus menerus 1 x 24 jam kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat tanpa perbedaan perilaku.
  3. Menjadikan masyarakat sebagai mitra yang setara dalam mewujudkan kamtibmas yang kondusif.
  4. Memberikan bimbingan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka menciptakan kesadaran dan kepatuhan masyarakat terhadap hukum.
  5. Memelihara soliditas institusi dari berbagai pengaruh yang merugikan citra organisasi Polri.
  6. Memberikan pelayanan optimal kepada masyarakat dengan prinsip kecepatan, kehati-hatian, kemudahan dan kesederhanaan.
  7. Memberikan perlindungan dan pengayoman kepada masyarakat yang memadai tanpa diskriminasi.
  8. Menegakkan hukum secara adil dan transparan demi terciptanya kepastian hukum.
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