Life on Mars: Aliens send big IM smiley to the Earth!

Life forms on Mars could have learned the most popular IM icons used on Earth to express their welcome of their neighborhood. A bump with a big smiley face is found on the surface of Mars. What can you say after seeing this picture? Aliens on Mars wanna communicate with us using this big smiley that we use everyday in IM chat rooms.

The picture was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and appears to be a smiley face on the planet’s landscape. The NASA Orbiter took the image on a special high-definition camera and has been studying the planet for signs of water since October 2006. The happy face can be seen in a crater 3km wide in the Nereidum Montes. The images come just a couple of weeks after the picture of the mysterious lady shot on Mars, which stirred the Internet and also triggered hot discussion on this blog.
